This is Mike Davies, Fiona's godfather...
and this is his wife Linda, Fiona's godmother.
Mike and Linda have three donkeys. Yes, three. The story goes something like this. You see, they got a donkey to keep this horse that they had company, because the horse got quite lonely when it lost its mate. Then the donkey got quite lonely when that horse passed away. So they wanted another donkey to keep the first one company. But the donkey they found was one of a pair. Either take both or no deal. So they have three donkeys. PS Lilian is feeding the donkey a peppermint in the photo. (I wish I were creative enough to make this sort of thing up.
Here is Linda with one of their two lovely dogs. I don't believe they get peppermints as treats. (but you never know, maybe they get cookies...)
The brave soul out in the water is kite surfing. Even in a wetsuit it must be a bit 'refreshing' to be in the water off Portsmouth in February! The large cresent shape you see in the sky would be the kite that is pulling him along the surface quite quickly.
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